CPUK Opening Lunch, The Crown, Stoke by Nayland, CO6 4SE
Sunday 2nd March
Join us in the delightful Dedham Vale, classic John Constable country, for our first – long overdue - outing to Suffolk.
This is the Club’s traditional season opening lunch celebration. Please advise Alison as soon as possible of your intention to attend so we can ensure that there will be place available for you on the day.
Contact: Alison Budd: events@clubpeugeotuk.org
While the Spring menu isn’t yet available, expect prices to be in the region of £30 for 2 courses, or £36 for three. Once the menu is available, a pre-order will be required at least 14 days in advance together with payment to CPUK, as usual.
Although no rooms are being held for the club, there is accommodation available if you want to make a weekend of it (The famous Flatford Mill is nearby)
Accommodation reservations should be made directly with The Crown.
Email: info@crowninn.net
Telephone: 01206 262 001